Recycles 100% of all carbon-containing waste, without incineration and without emissions of harmful substances into the environment!

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the CPС Holding

Remainder: 31,000 shares

min: 1000 shares
max: 100,000 shares

Amount: $0

The project was developed with the participation of the international organization Deloitte "Big 4". And also with the support of National Company "Kazakh Invest" JSC.

About the

"Clean Planet Corporation" PLC (hereinafter referred to as "CPC Holding"), plans to build a Pilot innovative "Waste Processing Eco Energy Plant" on the territory of the "TARAZ Industrial Zone" in the city of Taraz, Republic of Kazakhstan. The annual processing capacity is up to 100,000 tons of MSW per year. The plant is scheduled to be put into operation in Q2 2025, reaching its design capacity in Q4 2025.

The project operator is "Eco Energy Plant" LLP (hereinafter - "EEP"), a 100% subsidiary of CPI Holding. For the construction of the facility, a land plot of 10.5 hectares was allocated on the territory of the "TARAZ Industrial Zone" for a period of 20 years, until 2043. An agreement was also concluded with the Akimat of the city of Taraz for the provision and supply of solid waste for a period of 15 years, which guarantees the uninterrupted operation of production.

TARAZ - is a developing city in the south of Kazakhstan with a 2000-year history on the great Silk Road, whose population "produces" more than 100,000 tons of solid waste per year and its active growth will provide enough solid waste to fully load the plant's capacities. The project is being implemented with the full support of the leadership of the Zhambyl region and the city of Taraz.



Waste recycling is a gasification process in which 80% organic carbonaceous materials such as: all kinds of plastic, rubber, dough, paper,leather, bones,food waste, etc., are converted into carbon monoxide, hydrogen and carbon dioxide. This is achieved by reacting the material at relatively high temperatures (>700°C) without combustion with a controlled amount of steam.
The resulting gas mixture is called synthesis gas, which is itself a fuel. The remaining 20% is coke residue containing more than 50% pure carbon. In terms of purity, purified synthesis gas is comparable to natural gas, which makes it possible to burn it in gas piston units (mini-CHP) to generate electrical and thermal energy.


When processing 75,000 tons of carbonaceous waste per year, we get 40,000,000 m3 of synthesis gas and 14,000 tons of coke. The main part of the synthesis gas is used to generate 13 MW/h of electricity at gas piston power plants and is fed into the general electrical grids.
Part of the synthesis gas and electricity is used to produce 12,000 cubic meters of foam glass granulate from cullet, used as heat, sound and waterproofing materials for construction and industry.
Pure carbon is extracted from coke up to 9000 tons per year, used as a hardener and dye in the production of rubber products, or as a fuel cell. The remainder in the form of ash and estimates is used when filling roads and as a filler in the manufacture of reinforced concrete products.

Incineration and Disposal problems.

The vegetarian menu included gazpacho, piquant julienne beets, rusk rounds with yogurt, and excellent flan. William said that everything about his jacket was in quite good condition except for the zipper. No kidding, Lorenzo called off his trip to visit Mexico City just because they told him the conquistadores were extinct.

William said that everything about his jacket was in quite good condition except for the zipper. The vegetarian menu included gazpacho, piquant julienne beets, rusk rounds with yogurt, and excellent flan.

The vegetarian menu included gazpacho, piquant julienne beets, rusk rounds with yogurt, and excellent flan. William said that everything about his jacket was in quite good condition except for the zipper. No kidding, Lorenzo called off his trip to visit Mexico City just because they told him the conquistadores were extinct.

1231 William said dsada that everything about his jacket was in quite good condition except for the zipper. The vegetarian menu included gazpacho, piquant julienne beets, rusk rounds with yogurt, and excellent flan.

Techology We Use

Main characteristics of flameless gasification technology

  • Environmental friendliness - the definition of synthesis gas in accordance with the requirements established by Directive 2010/75 / EU of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union "On industrial emissions", which determines the ecological nature of production.
  • Efficiency - automated technology is capable of receiving and processing from 2 to 12 tons per hour of incoming garbage continuously for 8000 hours.
  • Scalability - the modularity of the technology allows them to be implemented from district centers with a population of 50,000 people, to large cities with a population of more than a million inhabitants.

Watch a video about the project

Reactor characteristics

  • Reator size: 12500; 25000; 50000; 75000 t/y
  • Working hours: 8000 c/y
  • Temperature Range: 400 - 1400C
  • Control: Remote
  • Operating pressure: Atmospheric
  • Environmental friendliness: Euro-6
  • Made in Germany


Results of test
processing of MSW

Investment proposal

CPC Holding is holding a closed sale of the company's common shares.
Purpose of the sale: Financial security for the application to participate in the 2024 RES auction, to obtain an "offtake" contract for the purchase of electric energy from RFC LLP of KEGOC JSC.
The main financing for the construction of the plant is planned to be attracted from private investors, by issuing "green bonds" on the AIX (AIFC) exchange, as well as a long-term "green" loan from the Investment Bank. The cost of the pilot project is 18.4 billion tenge or 40,000,000 US dollars.

Shares of CPC Holding

100% Ordinary
Total number of ordinary shares: 10,000,000 nominal price $0.50.


1% Ordinary
Allotted for sale: 100,000 shares at $0,50 per share.
Business model View the development
strategy of CPI Holding

Remainder: 31,000 shares

min: 1000 shares
max: 100,000 shares

Amount: $0


Application for participation in "IZ TARAZ"
Development of a feasibility study
Conclusion of contracts
Land registration
Obtaining technical conditions
Development of technical specifications for design
Sale of shares of CPC Holding
Participation in the RES-2024 auction
Project financing
Start of construction


Juristic documents

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Business plans

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Intellectual property

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Our Team

Askhat Kassymov
Chief Project Leader
Director EEP
Erzhan Janabekov
Paul Biller
Anuar Kalmurzaev
IT - support
Abay Bekbay
